AI Engineer Guide

How to filter Pinecone records by metadata

Sometime you might want to query records in Pinecone based on metadata.

For example, you want to retrieve all the records for a specific URL similar to how we do the SQL query.

We can achieve this by using filter during querying. Here is how to do it


import { Pinecone } from "@pinecone-database/pinecone";

// Initialize Pinecone with your API key
const pineconeClient = new Pinecone({ apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY" });

// Reference: How to target an index 👉
const pineconeIndex = pineconeClient.index("INDEX_NAME", "INDEX_HOST");

// Ensure your sample vector has the same dimension as your index.
// Tip: You can copy the dimension from any record in your index.
const sampleVector = [ 0.14, 0.16, 0.87 /* Add remaining values */, , 0.14, 0.16, 0.87];
// Define the namespace within the index. You can skip this and directly query on "pineconeIndex" if you're not using custom namespace
const namespace = pineconeIndex.namespace("YOUR_NAMESPACE");

try {
  // Perform a query on the Pinecone namespace
  const queryResponse = await namespace.query({
    vector: sampleVector,
    topK: 10, // Adjust topK based on your use case (up to 10,000). Note the 4MB limit for query results.
    includeMetadata: true, // Include metadata in the results
    filter: {
      url: { $eq: "" }, // Apply a filter condition

  console.log("Query Response:", queryResponse);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Error querying Pinecone:", error);

The filtering condition is somewhat similar to MongoDB. You can refer to this doc regarding available filters

References Doc

#Pinecone #Snippets